Monday, December 6, 2010


I must confess this is all new to me,
For I have been alone for life’s entirety.
I try not to bother thee,
But I am not entirely
Sure of how to do such things.
Being away from you stings,
Because your presence alone brings
Such joy to my heart that it sings.
Love is often seen as too fickle,
But to me it is not something fearful
Rather it is something blissful.
I know I need to give you time,
To sort things out on your own.
Just know that I would climb
Over any obstacle to be with you, and you alone.
I tell my friends all the time,
That I don’t want to lose you.
And I arrived at this conclusion,
Because I want you, through and through.
I try to be subtle with my allusions,
But then again I would be such a liar
If I were to say that were completely true.
I have waited my entire
Life, to love someone like you.
I do not hide from the word love,
And you of all people know this.
I fear that I speak of
Love too often, and maybe it has lost its bliss.
I love you so my rose,
And every thorn and blossom you possess.
And this is why I have chosen to compose
Such a piece as this. 

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